of our life
Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.
Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.
Use the labels for filtering:

Seat Leon e-Hybrid test | The favourite company car?
Zsolt Tamás’s review on our pool cars.

360° video: a virtual walk in evosoft’s SINAMICS lab
Move your mouse and virtually enter the Univerzum lab.

evolution Summit Budapest
Annual conference in the Univerzum hosted by evosoft.

Onlife Podium – that’s how it started
That’s how our collaboration started with Onlife.

Our podcasts are available on…
The availability of evosoft podcasts.

Our summer party with Bagossy Brothers Company
At the summer party we partied with 1,300 colleagues and their partners right next to our HQ.

A foretaste of evosoft’s portfolio
We have made a compilation of the evosoft portfolio: some of the softwares and tools developed and tested, plus our professional labs in the short film.

Welcome to the evosoft Univerzum
Virtual tour of the facility at Budapest.

How have we developed at our sites?
evosoft is present in 3 cities in Hungary. We aim to grow and develop in each area. In the video below we would like to introduce the main changes in Miskolc, Szeged and Budapest .