
of our life

Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.

Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.

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Come to our Open Day
EN Katalin Herczeg EN Katalin Herczeg

Come to our Open Day

We open the doors to BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and Óbuda University students in mid-April. You are welcome on our Open Days if you are interested in…

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We've opened evosoft's first escape room!
EN Zsuzsanna Németh-Heiszler EN Zsuzsanna Németh-Heiszler

We've opened evosoft's first escape room!

And here we are with our very first mission room in Budapest. You have one job to do: Visit our room in the heart of Budapest, play and escape from it in record time. Good luck! 😊

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How we mentor
EN Katalin Herczeg EN Katalin Herczeg

How we mentor

29 university students
13 mentors
52 certificates
more than 8 years past
6 scholarship students per year
1 professional and 1 operative coordinator
Countless hours of work, enthusiasm and inexhaustible energy

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Book of Lists 2022-23
EN evosoft hungary EN evosoft hungary

Book of Lists 2022-23

The current 2022-23 edition of the Book of Lists has been published, and evosoft has been ranked No. 1 for the third time in the 2021 Net Revenue from Software Development rankings.

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Flying 8,428 km to help
EN Zita Sneider EN Zita Sneider

Flying 8,428 km to help

We received an unexpected request for immediate assistance. On the island of Réunion, the on-site installation of port camera systems has stalled. We had 4 days to get ready for deployment in the southern hemisphere.

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Robot cars on the loose
EN, 🎥 Katalin Herczeg EN, 🎥 Katalin Herczeg

Robot cars on the loose

In February this year, the robotic cars will once again be buzzing at the BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) RobonAUT competition, of which our company has been a partner and sponsor for years.

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