
of our life

Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.

Scroll down and have a look. A lot of things happen to us.

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evosoft gets into the BME festival spirit
EN Katalin Herczeg EN Katalin Herczeg

evosoft gets into the BME festival spirit

We successfully closed the 2022 university festivals and fairs season. As a young, dynamic company, we also presented ourselves at the BME University Days festival in the autumn of 2022.

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A friend in need is a friend indeed
EN Zita Sneider EN Zita Sneider

A friend in need is a friend indeed

We hadn’t believed for long that it could happen. Then, we did not want to believe it was happening after all. On 24th February 2022, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out. We were there to provide humanitarian help.

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Welcome, Mr Aymeric Sarrazin
EN, 🎙️ Zoltán Gönye EN, 🎙️ Zoltán Gönye

Welcome, Mr Aymeric Sarrazin

The CEO of Siemens Advanta, Mr Aymeric Sarrazin visited us on 4th-5th July. We have grabbed the opportunity: our Team Manager, Imre Horváth invited him for an interview in our podcast studio.

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The laws of power
EN/HU, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye EN/HU, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye

The laws of power

One of the founders of Onlife, the presenter in the video, recommends the talk to us in the sneak preview this way: “I would like you to want more power by the end of the talk – and get it.”

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The CEO of the century: Jack Welch
EN/HU, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye EN/HU, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye

The CEO of the century: Jack Welch

Three explosions rocked General Electric, the US economy and the world in the 20th century. How did Jack get to the top of General Electric and make it one of the most competitive companies in the world? Watch the inspiring and thought-provoking Onlife talk.

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Simulation in intralogistics
EN, 🎥 evosoft hungary EN, 🎥 evosoft hungary

Simulation in intralogistics

Here are the benefits of virtual commissioning and the simulation of warehouse management. Our colleagues present the details of the development done at evosoft.

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It is crucial that we hear your voice
EN, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye EN, 🎥 Zoltán Gönye

It is crucial that we hear your voice

We have grown significantly; still, we want to listen to the individual voices and opinions of our colleagues – look, we’ll show you how we do it. It is a longer documentary material on Webcast and takes a bit more time, but if you are interested in our company in any way, it may be worth viewing to get to know us better before you apply!

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3 minutes, 3 CEOs, 25 years
EN/HU, 🎥 evosoft hungary EN/HU, 🎥 evosoft hungary

3 minutes, 3 CEOs, 25 years

On evosoft's 25th anniversary, Dr Péter Zimányi, our founder; Dr Péter Várady, former CEO; István Petényi, current CEO, and 3-3 of our colleagues recalled their memories in 3 minutes.

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